November, 2016 — Our paper analyzing frequency statistics of tRNA gene structure, in which we report an undescribed general pattern of gene structure particularly associated with initiator tRNA genes, was accepted for publication in BMC Genomics. Thanks to Professor Ya-Ming Hou at Thomas Jefferson University for long-time, steadfast collaboration and friendship!
October, 2016 — Welcome to new graduate and rotation students Amin Boroomand, Jonathan Anzules and Andy Collins-Hed as well as undergrads Hark Sodhi and Liz Arakawa. We are so happy to have you in our group! Other milestones this month: Dave was promoted to Associate Professor.
January, 2016 — Dave will be visiting UT Austin to give a seminar on the Evolution of the tRNA-interaction network in bacteria and eukaryotes on Monday, January 25, 2016.
December, 2015 — Ardell lab alumna Katie Amrine is now a Program Director and Data Scientist at Insight Data Science. Congratulations, Katie!
December, 2015 — Dave was awarded the 2016 Julius Kuehn Professorship by the Senate of Martin Luther University in Halle-Wittenberg, Germany. Dave will be in residence at MLU for part of next summer and give a public lecture to the general audience of the University.
November, 2015 — QSB’s Executive Committee and Dean of Natural Sciences Juan Meza partnered to send Dave and a delegation of five graduate students as our first-ever recruitment delegation to ABRCMS 2016 in Seattle. Dave is Chair of UC Merced’s Quantitative and Systems Biology program which just rolled out a new support policy for its graduate students that includes conference travel accounts. Apply at
November, 2015 — Collaborator Bodo Winter and rotation student Noelle Andersson got two abstracts accepted to EvoLang 2016 on the evolution of word meanings, and an Iterated Learning Model concerning the role of dialects in the evolution of language structure. This is work funded by our NSF-funded Molecules to Minds INSPIRE project. Congratulations Bodo and Noelle!
October, 2015 — Dave visited collaborator Professor Ya-Ming Hou and gave a seminar at the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at Thomas Jefferson University and met many wonderful colleagues there. Thanks for hosting me!
October, 2015 — Dave was invited to speak in the Department of Biology Seminar Series at Temple University. They are building great things at Temple right now such as the Center for Computational Genetics and Genomics. Thanks for hosting me!
July, 2015 — Dave was invited to the German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research Halle – Jena – Leipzig (iDiv) to participate in an international and interdisciplinary workshop on “Functional Information: its potential for quantifying biodiversity and its relation to ecosystem functioning” (sFIND). A synoptic review is now underway.
May, 2015 — The Ardell Lab is proud to announce the publication and launch of FAST: FAST Analysis of Sequences Toolbox, an easy-to-install package of UNIX-style utilities for sequence data.
May, 2015 — Dave visited and spoke at lab alum Julie Phillips postdoctoral Department of Biological Sciences at Vanderbilt U., and also was hosted by Professor Josh Phillips at Middle Tennessee State University. Thanks Julie and Josh!
July, 2014 — Dave was invited to co-Chair a session on tRNA Systems Biology at the 25th tRNA Conference in Kyllini Peloponnese, Greece in September, 2014.
December, 2013 — Dave has been elected Chair of the Quantitative and Systems Biology Graduate Group.
December, 2013 — Katie’s first thesis chapter has been accepted for publication in PLoS Computational Biology. Congratulations and thanks to all who contributed to this work!
November, 2013 — Ardell Lab Doctoral student Julie Phillips successfully defended her doctoral dissertation. Way to go, Julie! Congratulations on a job well done!
September, 2013 — The Ardell Lab has won an NSF INSPIRE award for an interdisciplinary collaborative project on Selection as an Organizing Principle: from Molecules to Languages together with the labs of Rick Dale (Cognitive Science), Suzanne Sindi (Applied Math), PI Gary Lupyan (U. Wisconsin, Psychology) and Russel Gray (University of Auckland, Psychology). Our project brings together many kinds of expertise to look at the evolution of languages, genetic and biological codes, and prions in mixed populations! Many thanks to our collaborators for engaging with us in this exciting adventure… keep posted about our Molecules to Minds project!
August, 2013 — Ardell Lab Doctoral student Katie Amrine successfully defended her Ph.D. Thesis. Go Katie! Katie has already started a postdoctoral position at the Cantu lab at UC Davis. All our best wishes and thanks to Katie for a great job!
April, 2013 — Prof. Ardell got the Senate Faculty Distinguished Undergraduate Teaching Award. Thanks to the MCB unit, the Senate and many colleagues and students for supporting Prof. Ardell for this award!
April, 2013 — Cleary lab collaborator, Masters Student Maxine Umeh got Best Talk Award at the Bay Area RNA Club meeting at UCSF. Congratulations Maxine!
July, 2012 — The TFAM Web-Server is back up and running!
July, 2012 — Julie Phillips and Katie Amrine presented research at ASM 2012 and Evolution 2012! Postdoc Wes Swingley leaves for his faculty position at NIU, and URCB URM undergraduate Robert Bailey is rotating in our lab! Best wishes to all!
April, 2012 — Postdoc Wesley Swingley presented Ardell Lab research at Astrobiology Science Conference 2012 in Atlanta, GA!
April 12, 2012 — Our paper in RECOMB 2012 on Evolution of Genome Organization by Duplication and Loss: a Linear Programming approach was selected for the Recomb 2012 Best Paper Award! Congratulations Patrick and Krister!
December 19, 2011 — David Ardell got a paper accepted to RECOMB 2012 on Evolution of Genome Organization by Duplication and Loss: a Linear Programming approach together with collaborators Patrick Holland, Krister Swenson, and Nadia El-Mabrouk at the University of Montreal.
September 6, 2011 — Ingemar Ohlsson from the Molecular Biotechnology/Bioinformatics program in Uppsala is completing his degree project with us. Welcome Ingemar, and thanks to Julie and all the lab for helping welcome him!
August 15, 2011 — Undergraduate Peter Becich from the Center for Computational Biology’s URM program has selected the Ardell Lab as his home for research mentorship. Thank you and welcome, Peter!
April 21, 2011 — Prof. John Perona from UCSB visits the Ardell Lab with his students Andrew and Ben to discuss collaborations.
April 21, 2011 — A Swedish Masters student from Uppsala University’s prestigious Bioinformatics program is looking to start in the Ardell lab for his thesis this summer.
April 16, 2010 — Julie presented her computational biology of aging project at QSB Research Day today!
April 15, 2010 — No less than three posters from my lab were presented at research week today! Good job, everybody! One was from UC Merced CSE/ME Junior Brian Stark, who has gotten results after only three weeks of python programming.
April 12, 2010 — This week Katie has flown on her way to visit our collaborators in Strasbourg, Catherine Florentz and Rochard Giege. Hopefully, volcanos permitting, she’ll fly on to visit friends and co-workers in Uppsala, Sweden.